March 29, 2022

National and International ICT Laws, Policies and Regulations that are Applicable to Teaching and Learning

 Post #1

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This National ICT Policy is the country’s attempt to harmonize, co-ordinate and integrate all ICT initiatives towards a common set of objectives. For the successful achievement of the policy objectives, it is imperative that all partners and stakeholders of the policy pull together in the same direction. This ICT policy is just one of the instruments, albeit an increasingly influential one, to improving the level of development and quality life of all the citizens.

The broad objectives of the National ICT Policy include five focus areas, namely: 

2.1 ICT Infrastructure – Promote the provision of accessible, universal, affordable, reliable, modern and high quality levels of ICT facilities and services. 

2.2 Legal and Regulatory Framework – Provide for the creation of an enabling legal and regulatory environment that ensures the growth and development of the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) sector. 

2.3 Human Resource Development – Promote the use of ICT to enhance education and skills development and build a growing ICT-savvy Nation. 

2.4 Industry – Use ICT to create an enabling and conducive environment for the promotion of investment and the development of a vibrant and sustainable economy. 

2.5 Government – Government as a user, purchaser, and regulator must support the use of ICT for the innovative, effective and efficient delivery of information and services to the citizen and within the public sector.


Pursuant to Section 16 of Republic Act No. 10533, entitled “An Act Enhancing the Philippine Basic Education System by Strengthening Its Curriculum and Increasing the Number of Years for Basic Education, Appropriating Funds Therefor and for Other Purposes,” otherwise known as the “Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013,” approved on May 15, 2013, and which took effect on June 8, 2013, the Department of Education (DepEd), the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), and the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), hereby issue the following rules and regulations to implement the provisions of the Act.


Section 1. Title. These rules and regulations shall be referred to as the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of the “Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013” (Republic Act No. 10533).

Section 2. Scope and Application. The provisions of this IRR shall primarily apply to all public and private basic educational institutions and learning centers. This IRR shall also apply to Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), Technical-Vocational Institutions (TVIs), duly recognized organizations acting as Teacher Education Institutions (TEIs), and foundations.

Section 3. Declaration of Policy. This IRR shall be interpreted in light of the Declaration of Policy found in Section 2 of the Act.

Section 4. Definition of Terms. For purposes of this IRR, the following terms shall mean or be understood.

Section 5. Basic Education. Pursuant to Section 3 of the Act, basic education is intended to meet basic learning needs which provides the foundation on which subsequent learning can be based. It encompasses kindergarten, elementary, and secondary education as well as alternative learning systems for out-of-school learners and those with special needs under Section 8 of this IRR.

Section 6Enhanced Basic Education Program. For purposes of this IRR and pursuant to Section 4 of the Act, the enhanced basic education program encompasses at least one (1) year of kindergarten education, six (6) years of elementary education, and six (6) years of secondary education, in that sequence. Secondary education includes four (4) years of junior high school and two (2) years of senior high school education.

Section 7. Compulsory Basic Education. It shall be compulsory for every parent or guardian or other persons having custody of a child to enroll such child in basic education, irrespective of learning delivery modes and systems, until its completion, as provided for by existing laws, rules and regulations.

Section 8. Inclusiveness of Enhanced Basic Education. In furtherance of Section 3 of the Act, inclusiveness of enhanced basic education shall mean the implementation of programs designed to address the physical, intellectual, psychosocial, and cultural needs of learners.



SECTION 1Short Title. — This Act shall be known as the “Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994.”

Sec. 2. Statement of Policy. — The State recognizes the vital role of teachers in nation-building and development through a responsible and literate citizenry.Towards this end, the State shall ensure and promote quality education by proper supervision and regulation of the licensure examination and professionalization of the practice of the teaching profession act law.

Sec. 3Objectives. — This Act has the herein objectives:

    (a) The promotion, development and professionalization of teachers and the teaching profession; and
    (b) The supervision and regulation of the licensure examination.

Sec. 4. Definition of Terms. — For purposes of this Act, the following terms shall mean:

    (a) “Teaching” — refers to the profession concerned primarily with classroom instruction, at the elementary and secondary levels in accordance with the curriculum prescribed by the Department of Education, Culture and Sports, whether on part-time or full-time basis in the private or public schools.
    (b) “Teachers” — refers to all persons engaged in teaching at the elementary and secondary levels, whether on full-time or part-time basis, including industrial arts or vocational teachers and all other persons performing supervisory and/or administrative functions in all schools in the aforesaid levels and qualified to practice teaching under this Act.
   (c) “Board” — refers to the Board for Professional Teachers duly established and constituted under this Act.
   (d) “Commission” — refers to the Professional Regulation Commission.

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